Is AI the game changer?
How recycling loops can be closed with food packaging
Movement in the air
How Ziehl-Abegg went from being a motor specialist to one of the most important players in air technology
Pushing the boundaries of LSR processing with AI and 3D printing
Why Trelleborg is bringing injection moulding and additive manufacturing together
Signs of hope for and from America
How the leading North American trade fair ‘NPE’ showed signs of an economic upturn
“Green energies” fuel cables and pipes
How the “wire” trade fair breaks all records and the “Tube” offers a premiere for plastic pipes
Entering international niches with in-house developments
How the Japanese Sekisui Group is expanding its production base in the Netherlands
A syringe is a syringe – technically
How Wirthwein Medical contributes to risk minimisation and delivery reliability and wants to grow as a result
Don’t moan, get to work!
Promoting start-up culture and securing the future